Profiterole Cost Analytics
$3.99/month. 7-day free trial.

关于Profiterole Cost Analytics



True Profit Analysis
This app is designed to present the most accurate profit analytics. Cost of goods? Processing fees? Returns? Shipping fees? Our convenient dashboard gives the ease of knowing what sells and what’s taking money out of your pockets!
Simple install. No coding ever. By the way, it’s typical for our apps (check the app store for more).
Automatic real-time profitability analytics for each product.
Easy-to-use and understandable dashboard. Not overloaded and simple enough.
Lifetime profitability reports.
Lifetime Average order value (AOV) reports.
Ad Spend Costs
Compatibility and improved integration with Facebook Ads allows you to set it and forget it. Get ad spend data from FB Ads automatically. We are working on Dropified, Oberlo, and Aliexpress integrations.
Product Costs
Set Cost of Goods (COGS), Shipping rates, Processing fees, recurring and one-time charges for better calculations and accurate analytics. Adjust costs per Shopify Product Variant if needed.
Why To Track Profit And Costs?
Each store’s sales and expenses must be monitored to accurately analyze the financial health of the store. This app allows our users to see their sales and total overhead, showing which products are winners and which products are slow sellers. Data that allows for effective implementations of:
Diversion of resources to upsell slower moving products.
Concentrated marketing of winning products.
Dropping or cancelation of products or services that are costing money with little to no return.
Feedback and Support
We value each of our app’s users and your feedback, improving our product to fit your needs. Feel free to contact us!



