Social Coupon Popup(社交优惠劵弹出窗口)
Free plan available

关于Social Coupon Popup(社交优惠劵弹出窗口)







Social Coupon Popup helps you get more customer emails and social media likes.
The hardest part of running an online business is getting more customers and Social Coupon Popup is a great way to help turn that traffic that does come to you, into customers who are more likely to buy.
What we do...the short version
Our app lets you set a discount amount and then generates coupons for you that your visitors can get if they provide their email address and/or visit you on social media. We manage the whole process for you and make it super simple. Want to know more? Keep reading...
The Science of Incentives
Buyers love a good deal and Social Coupon Popup was designed to be different than other coupon solutions. We let you offer a coupon for getting a visitor email address and let you offer an even bigger discount (you can control how much) when you encourage them to visit you on social media. This 'double incentive' as we like to call it, makes it more likely you will turn traffic into customers.
You get their email and social interactions
Because Social Coupon Popup encourages your visitors to provide their email and gives them access to your social presence, you now have multiple ways to market to this customer in the future.
Don't Lose Them...detect they are leaving
One of the great features of Social Coupon Popup is that we can detect when a user is about to leave your site and then pop up a reminder to them that a discount is available. This simple step can have a big impact on your sales as potential customers are about to give up.
Free for first 100 shoppers
Social Coupon Popup is free for the first 100 emails it captures for you and then a once a year charge of $49.95 - We are absolutely certain you will find it well worth the money.




