Smart Right Click Disabler
WebApss 出品
$2.75/month. 7-day free trial.

关于Smart Right Click Disabler



Smart right click disabler app
The Smart Right Click Disabler app protects your favorite and unique images, your unique text, and other content.
By using the Smart Right-click Disabler app, you can secure your content with the following items:
You can disable right clicks on images, links, input fields, text.
You can stop drag and drop on images and text, so you can stop copying your unique text and images.
You can also disable text selection in the page text and input fields.
You can disable shortcuts like Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, Ctrl + S and Print Screen command.
You can easily manage the features by enabling and disabling the checkbox.
The app is very easy to install and uninstall, you do not have to worry about the installation and uninstall process.
Contact Us
If you need any help from us or have a suggestion to improve our app, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to hear from you!




