wsassist 出品
Free to install. Additional charges may apply.




Over 40 options to choose from!
The app allows you to create SKUs by choosing a combination of codes created automatically, based on your product’s data or on the data you enter in the app.
Generate SKUs:
for all products in a collection
for a set of products selected in the admin Products page or
for all products in your store, in a single run
You can combine the following elements to create SKUs:
PTA (Product title abbreviation)
POA (Product options abbreviation)
PTA (Product type abbreviation)
PVA (Product vendor abbreviation)
Auto number - It ensures that the created SKU code is unique for each run of the generator, unless you manually reset it. After each generation run it is incremented with the number of SKUs generated, so that the codes do not overlap. It also works with zero padded numbers like 001.
Code types
These code types are used for product options, product type and product vendor abbreviation.
First character - Creates a 1 character code using the first character of the given name.
First 2 - Creates a two-character code using the first two characters of the name.
First 3 - Creates a three-character code using the first three characters of the name.
First 4 - Creates a four-character code using the first four characters of the name.
Code 2 - It creates a two-digit code for each name, starting with '01'. The code is unique for each name. You should use this if you have less than 100 unique names in that category (options, type or vendors).
Code 3 - It creates a three-digit code for each name, starting with '001'. The code is unique for each name and works in the same way as 'Code 2'.
Product Code 4 - Creates a 4 digit code for products - the code is unique for a product and once it is created it remains unchanged if you choose to re-generate SKUs or add variants to that product - you will always get the same code for a product.
Use Tags and Metafields as SKU components
Custom codes for product options, types and vendors
SKU is short for Stock Keeping Unit, is made up of alphanumeric characters and is designed to be unique to a single product. It’s important to note that the SKU is not the same as a product’s UPC (barcode).
If you are selling products it is important to set up your inventory correctly and one of the most important parts of this process is setting up the product SKU.
Automatic SKU Generation
The app can automatically generate SKUs when you create a new product or when you update a product.
If this feature is activated, when a new product is created, the app will generate the SKU using the last used template.



