Infinite Options
$5.99/month. 14-day free trial.

关于Infinite Options



Let shoppers personalize products with dropdown menus, swatches, text and number inputs, checkboxes, radios and more.
Easily add an unlimited number of product customizations to your products so you're not restricted by the normal 3 option limit
Control over placeholder and default values
Set fields as optional or required
Product bundling functionality allows you to add additional charges for services or add-ons offered with your products
Dropdown menus and checkboxes can be set up to allow multiple selections
Show a live count of remaining characters when you set a maximum character length
Numeric fields can have minimum and maximum values
It's easy to get up and running in just 1 minute with only a single line of code to paste in your theme.
Bundle add-on products to your option selections to increase prices. Need a $5 gift wrapping surcharge? How about $15 for rush processing? Infinite Options makes this easy!
Have questions? Need help? Our support team is here to assist you every step of the way! ShopPad is based in California and we offer live chat and email support Monday - Friday, 9am to 5pm PT.
Expert Install Service is available for this app! Intimidated by editing Shopify's liquid code? Our award-winning customer success team will be happy to install and configure Infinite Options for your store.



