$4/month. 7-day free trial.




Protect your site's content from unwanted downloads and copying.
Downloading images and copying content from a site are so simple these days that visitors often do it without the owner's permissions. Worse, your competitors might use your content and images and call it their own.
ImageLock provides a protection layer for your site to prevent your visitors from downloading your images and copying your content. We do this by allowing your to:
Disable right-click or create custom right-click menu.
Disable copy/cut/paste (Ctrl-C/V/X and Cmd-C/V/X)
Disable view source code (HTML) shortcut (Ctrl-U and Cmd-U)
Disable print shortcut (Ctrl-P and Cmd-P)
Disable shortcut to select all content (Ctrl-A and Cmd-A)
✓ Engage visitors by displaying custom menu when they right-click on images.
Visitors right-click on images because they like what they see. Sieze this opportunity by showing them a custom menu with links to either your email or your social media.
✓ Disable shortcuts.
Disable common shortcuts that allow visitors to steal your content. With ImageLock, you can disable shortcuts for copying/pasting, viewing source code, printing, saving page and selecting all content.
✓ Set custom action on image right-click.
Set custom action when visitors right-click on images. ImageLock can customize right-click to either show a tooltip, redirect to image link, display a custom context menu, show browser alert, or simply do nothing!
✓ Built for speed.
Our custom script is compressed and delivered via Amazon CloudFront CDN for fast delivery. No more slow load time!
✓ Disable drag and drop.
Disable visitors from downloading your images via drag & drop method.




