High Conversion Collections
Tagalys 出品
$4.99/month. 7-day free trial.

关于High Conversion Collections



Tagalys's Drag & Drop Product Curator app provides merchants the ability to visually curate the collections.
Why Collections require Curation
Data shows that over 80% of online shoppers do not scroll beyond the 3rd page of any Collection. Hence what products they see influence their decision to buy. It is essential to periodically curate (rearrange) your Collections based on the marketing directives or your personal judgment.
Why Tagalys
Tagalys is one of the fastest-growing highly rated visual merchandising engines for online commerce. Tagalys was built by the founders with prior eCommerce B2C experience, to solve their own business challenges as online retailers. They understand driving traffic to an online store without online merchandising increases acquisition costs & reduces profitability.
Visual Merchandising
As a merchant, we understand that you have the requirement to promote products based on your instinct. With our visual merchandising panel, you can easily drag & drop, one or many products at a time to meet your business needs.
Promoting products that have a higher probability of a sale is very simple with the Tagalys's curator app. This also reduces bounces rates, increases session times and drives up revenue.
Saving time
Your time is money. With our visual curation panel, online merchants using Shopify & Tagalys save on average 30% of their time managing collections



