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Gratisfaction is an all-in-one loyalty, referral, birthdays and anniversaries, giveaways, sweepstakes, instant win, promotions and rewards platform.
Also integrated with ETSY – So you can reward your Etsy customers with points that can be redeemed on your Shopify store.
FREE OFFER! GET OUR SCRATCH AND WIN APP ABSOLUTELY FREE WITH ANY PAID PLAN OF GRATISFACTION. Search 'scratch and win' in the Shopify storeGratisfaction has the following key elements that can be activated or paused at any time:
Loyalty Rewards Program: Set up your own customized loyalty rewards program
Referral Program: Activate multiple types of single or double-sided referral programs
Birthdays and Anniversaries: Reward customers for sharing their key life moments, e.g. birthdays, pet's birthdays, Mother-In-Law's birthday, anniversaries and more. Create multiple life events and give your customers many reasons to visit and purchase from your store!
Giveaways and Sweepstakes: Run multiple giveaways and sweepstakes e.g. Facebook giveaway, Share to win, Instagram giveaway, etc.
Instant Win: Instantly reward people for taking actions e.g. following, sharing, watching, visiting, commenting, answering and much more...
ETSY Rewards program: Selling on Etsy? Set up a loyalty reward and referral program for your ETSY customers on your Shopify store
Reward your customers for a range of actions they may take including:
ETSY Purchases: If you are selling on ETSY, Gratisfaction is the perfect solution to reward loyalty points to your Etsy customers and turn them into loyal customers purchasing from your Shopify store.
Referrals: Both double and single-sided
Subscribing to your Newsletter
Account signups
Birthdays, Anniversaries, In-laws anniversaries, Pets' birthdays and more..
Social shares: E.g. Share on Twitter or Facebook
Social media actions: Give entrants points or instant rewards for actions such as Following you on Twitter, visiting your Facebook Page, tweeting or retweeting posts, watching your YouTube video, and more..
Quiz and Surveys: Ask questions, run surveys and in return reward loyalty points and instant prizes.
Set up custom forms(e.g. reservation form, attend an event form, webinar form, etc.) and reward participants for filling them in.
Rewards Redemption: Customers can spend their points by claiming rewards, from coupons to physical rewards. Define the points required to redeem from a selection of rewards; you have all the freedom to run your program however you see fit.
and more..
Gratisfaction is free for 100 loyalty members. You only pay based on the number of loyalty members. Each plan includes all features. Take it for a spin today!
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