FraudBlock Fraud Prevention
ShopFox 出品
Free plan available. 14-day free trial.

关于FraudBlock Fraud Prevention



Automatically cancel high-risk orders
FraudBlock saves you from accidentally fulfilling fraudulent orders - automatically. We automatically cancel 'high-risk' orders, send a cancellation confirmation to the customer (optional), restock the inventory, and refund/void the customer's payment (if any). Save time by not having to manually comb through orders in your Shopify admin dashboard.
Why do I need FraudBlock?
While Shopify automatically flags high-risk orders for you, it doesn't cancel them - you still have to go through your list of orders manually to find and cancel the ones flagged as 'high risk'. FraudBlock takes care of this for you - automatically.
How does it work?
Whenever you receive a new order, we check it based on Shopify's fraud analysis. If it's a high risk-order, we automatically cancel it, refund/void the payment (if any), restock your inventory, and email a cancellation confirmation to you and the customer (optional).
What's the difference between the free and paid plan?
Our free plan is meant for shops with fewer than 30 orders per month. If you deal with a larger order volume, you'll need to upgrade to the appropriate plan after your free trial has ended.



