From $10/month. 60-day free trial.




Search by Customer Tags!
Custom Groups: Group by discount code, POS Location, and shipping location, landing page, sales tax, payment gateway, and more soon! Also works great generating lists or rosters for classes, scheduled events, or personalized orders.
Sales Channel and Shopify POS Location Support
Vendor Listing (BETA) - Allows quicker setup of vendor payouts or royalties for large stores.
Search and sort by product type. View top selling product types.
In addition, there is a work-in-progress test group available for better refund support and better support for discounts, however there may be some inaccuracies still in the system. Just email after you have installed DeepMine to get in the work-in-progress testing groups.
DeepMine helps you by sifting, sorting, summing, searching all your orders to provide a clean table and graph of top products, variants, and options. Look at all products, your popular variants of a product, or the options of a product. With a few clicks, you can find out that the green shirt is popular among the smalls and the black shirt is popular among the 3Xs.
Additionally, DeepMine works great as a sales report generator. Use the search feature to instantly generate reports by vendor, SKU, or more.
Try it free for 60 days!
Sift, Sort, and Analyze:
Any Time to Any Day
Order Status (paid, authorized, pending, refunded, voided, abandoned)
Fulfillment Status (unshipped, partial, shipped)
Product Title
Product Price
Product SKU
Product Vendor
Product Type
Order Note
Order Country
Discount Code
POS Location
And many, many more!
Using DeepMine, you can get a high level look at the past quarter's orders or just what's popular today. You can also use it to answer the following questions:
What items will go out in today's unfulfilled orders?
How many unshipped international yo-yos are backordered?
Is the poster upsell option working?
What are the recent orders that contained a recalled product?
Additionally DeepMine's Accounting, Reporting and Partner features let you:
Set up the cost of product.
Set up automated email reports based on all products, or a certain subset.
Remit a percentage or direct amount of sales to your partners.
Keep track of a partner's balance.
Upon installation, DeepMine will download all your orders in the background, usually it takes just 2-3 minutes. (Larger stores please allow up to 30 minutes.)



