Custom Collections Builder
Octo 出品
$2.99/month. 15-day free trial.

关于Custom Collections Builder



Build your custom dynamic collections
Your store is continuously evolving. There are new products, products that become popular or top sold, stock changes. Easy Custom Collections Builder will let you create your custom dynamic collections which will change as your store evolves. The APP detects changes in your products and keeps collections up to date.
You can create the following type of collections:
Last created products.
Last updated products.
Last published products.
Most visited products.
Most sold products.
Most benefit products.
Last sold products.
Stock ascendent products.
Stock descendent products.
Most rated products
Top Trending Most Sold products in the last 15, 30 or 60 days.
Top Trending Most Visited products in the last 15, 30 or 60 days.
Top Trending Most Benefit products in the last 15, 30 or 60 days.
Advanced collections.
You will be able to filter your collections by multiple product tags and vendors.
You will be able to exclude or include sold out products.
You will also be able to specify the size of your collection. For example,
you can create a TOP 10 Collection, which would contain the 10 most sold products.
For the Most Sold and the Most Visited collections you will be able to show how many times a product has been sold or visited. We will save this information in the product metafields.
Collections are updated every hour. Your custom collections list will show when was the last sync.
Advanced collections
With the advanced section you will be able to create all sort of collections by just adding a class to your HTML markup. There are two type of advanced collections:
Most Shared
To create a Most Shared collection you will have to add a class to the html of the share buttons in your product page and Easy Custom Collections Builder will record those shares and keep your collection up to date.
Most Custom-Event
Easy Custom Collections Builder allows you to create a collection with any event that you want, this works like the Most Shared Collections, however in this instance you can use any sort of interaction that your customers have on your product pages, for example: Most liked, most shared, most reviewed, etc. Take advantage of your Share Buttons or your Favourite functionality by tracking all the events and build your custom collection.
Filter your Collections:
You can also filter your collections by Multiple vendors and Multiple tags with an easy interface.
Easy Custom Collections Builder is dead easy to use, creating collections have never been that easy. However, if you still have doubts the app contains an extensive section with a step by step guidance.




