Amashop 出品
$35/month. 30-day free trial.




What is Amashop?
Amashop imports and synchronises all your Amazon FBA products and listings into your Shopify store in just a few clicks.
This includes product titles, descriptions, images, variants, stock levels and pricing. Then all orders made through your Shopify store, Amashop automatically processes the order within your Amazon FBA seller account to use Amazon’s fulfilment process.
The Beauty of Amashop
Currently, Amazon FBA sellers and Shopify store owners have to spend countless hours managing both platforms. Creating products, managing inventory and setting up fulfilment processes for both Amazon FBA and Shopify can make it feel like you're running two separate businesses.
As current Amazon Sellers, we know the pain of this all too well.
Amashop solves that problem by synchronising your Amazon FBA account and Shopify store. Ultimately, saving you valuable time, stress and most importantly, money.
How Easy Is It to Step Up?
You can have all your Amazon products synchronised and published onto your Shopify store within a few minutes.
After installing Amashop through the Shopify App store, you will find an easy to follow video tutorial of how to connect your Amazon FBA account to your Shopify store through Amashop.
How Do I get Started?
Simply click the 'Add app' button at the top of the page to start your Amashop journey.



