$2.99/month. 7-day free trial.




Why Age Verifier?
Age Verifier is a much needed application if you sell items which are restricted for under aged individuals. This includes Cigarettes, Alcohol, Adult content and other items which are age-restricted. Age Verifier App deters an under aged individual from accessing your site or products.
A customer when lands on your site are asked to verify his age by entering his birth date. He is to declare that he is of legal age to access your site’s content and product. By declaring himself of the legal age, the customer can thus access your website and you can safely conduct your business with him.
We have also updated this age verifier app by bringing some new and important features. This includes entry of FDA Banner and introducing new dashboard appearance for products/pages that are also shown separately on other search engine results apart from main website page content.
The FDA banner facility will enable you to put up a warning line on the top part of your website. The banner will act as an advisory as well as warning related to the possible harmful effects of the product or material. For ex: THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS NICOTINE. NICOTINE IS INJURIOUS TO YOUR HEALTH.
Similarly many products or site pages also feature separately on search engines apart from the main website. They also required to be restricted for under age visitors. The new dashboard feature will make you choose whether to put an age verifier banner on that page or not.
Merchant will be able to do following activities:
Defines minimum age (18+ etc)
Customise the Pop-up window
Able to modify Pop-up width, colour
Logo can be added
Use any background image
Able to change text of “Submit” and “Exit” button
Any URL will be linked to Exit button
Headline and Sub-headline are provided
Can change the text, colour, size of headline and sub-headline
Fully responsive and works on desktop, mobile and tablet as well
No coding needed
Disable/Enable Birth date
Keep track of records of visitors based on number of days specified
Let’s look at some other important features:
Easy to install and manage
Fully customizable
Supports every theme
Use Birth date to verify age
Prevents minors to access site
Select Minimum Age (18+, 21+, etc.) in place of Define Minimum Age
And more..
Q. Is Age Verifier app responsive?
A. Yes, the app is fully responsive.
Q. How can you disable the Age Verifier Popup display on the store?
A. All you need to do is open your store into Incognito window of browser or clear cookie from your browser.
Q. How you can remove the logo from Popup?
A. Please upload logo 400px * 400px dimension
Q. How can you remove the background image display in popup?
A. Please upload Background image 2000px * 2000px dimension




